Use the SonarQube Scanner with the new activity for the Team Build

As I mentioned the new SonarSource-maintained activity allows for the SonarQube scanner to be run independently of MSBuild – very useful for repositories containing only JavaScript files for example, where you cannot use the MSBuild-based task because of the lack of a .*proj file.

So all you need to do is to add the relevant task to your build definition:


You only need to configure the required options in the task - it comes with a pre-configured file so you are ready to go!

You need to create a SonarQube Endpoint like described in the other post, add the typical project key/name/version property triplet and, if you want, you can change the folder containing the source files. Also, if you have your own ready for use you can supply it in the Advanced pan:


Scenarios where you might want to use this task are where you don’t have a MSBuild-based project system supporting your code, so the other task would not work. Also, it is very handy with heterogeneous projects.