Run a SonarQube analysis in VSTS for unsupported .NET Core projects

With some projects you might face this:

error MSB4062: The "IsTestFileByName" task could not be loaded from the assembly <path>\.sonarqube\bin\SonarQube.Integration.Tasks.dll.

It is a known issue I’m afraid, involving (among the others) .NET Standard.

There is a fairly straightforward workaround IMHO. Instead of using the Scanner for MSBuild as you would, use the CLI scanner that is now provided by VSTS:


This is enough to let the scanner do its job. This approach can bring a different issue – if you use branches to identify projects in SonarQube, or if you have dynamically set properties, and having a fixed, static properties file doesn’t really work.

Still, nothing really blocking. Do you see the PowerShell Script above? Smile


This is an example of what you can do – a bit rough, it just adds a line at the end of the file stating the branch to analyse. It can also be much cleaner, but still Smile

Remember that you can always manipulate files in the agent, and that’s what I do. Add whatever line you want with a script like this so that you have granular control in the same way as adding /d:… to the parameters in the regular MSBuild task.