Containers and DevOps: where are we? Some of my thoughts.

I spent most of February talking about Containers from the DevOps perspective – why you (might) ask? Well, the reason is pretty straightforward: if you are a newbie and you are trying to find resources on containerisation technologies (not just Docker and Kubernetes then!) you will mostly find developer-focused articles, closely followed by C-suite overviews.

Hey, it is totally understandable, don’t get me wrong. They are the hip and cool technology to be aware of in 2018, the market moved and – admittedly – they are a brilliant idea.
The problem is that I believe (and this is a personal opinion) this drive to understand what containers are is skewing the market. Containers are not “like VMs, but better/cooler”, they exist to serve a business purpose.

This business purpose is twin-faced: one appeals to the technological person – you can run the same bits(meant as code, configuration, and toolset) everywhere with some resource tuning, and you are basically pushing Infrastructure as Code (another buzzword, but so 2017…) to the limit. And this is very cool.

But the other side of the business purpose – and the most important one IMHO – is that you can literally change how complex applications are deployed, maximising resource usage and enabling scenarios (blue-green is the first one I can think about) that were exclusive to the OTT before.

This is what really matters.

And to be totally fair with you, containerising an application is not that hard – but it won’t magically improve, it would remain a legacy application running in a container instead of a VM or a physical host.

On the other hand, an application which actually adopts the philosophy behind containers has more chances to actually bring a tangible benefit to the company as it naturally adopts many best practices from DevOps. 

Yes, it is unavoidable – whenever you see Containersyou cannot avoid DevOps.
There is only a mistake you should never do. Containers are not DevOps. DevOps collates together practices and concepts that fit in perfectly when using Containers, it’s not enabled by Containers. You can do DevOps with anything, including Containers.

The two together are a match made in heaven. Just don’t forget they are not the same thing.