Elevate your telemetry from silo to valuable data source

I am going to speak at DevOpsDays Kiel next week about telemetry, and I was thinking about how much Application Insights evolved in the last few years.

Without mentioning the awesome Application Insights Analytics, I was really pleased with how easy it is to bring valuable data to the forefront.

For example, this was there pretty much since the inception:

It’s great, but it is kind-of-buried in the detailed information provided. What I really enjoyed on the other hand, was this:

This is an organic and straightforward way to escalate a single piece of information. Why you ask?
Well, because the previous screen is a summary, with a single button named Operations in a pane called Take Action

So, from a UX point of view, it comes natural to dig into the details of a single request raising an exception and promote that information to an actionable backlog item.

A development team does not (usually) need quantity, it needs quality in order to fix problems raised by telemetry. It is the natural evolution of telemetry systems to be able to integrate with DevOps stacks in an effortless way – the real challenge is doing so without being excessively verbose, but still providing the much needed value to close the loop.